DSA Sheet Overview
The DSA Sheet features carefully selected coding interview questions covering diverse topics in Data Structures & Algorithms. These questions are commonly encountered in technical interviews, providing comprehensive coverage of key concepts.
Key Highlights:
- Cover all concepts in limited time that are needed for a DSA interview.
- In-depth video solutions covering brute, better, optimal solutions.
- Well structured notes for quick revision.
- Company Tags associated with each program.
- Content reference from Striver's dsa AtoZ sheet.
Topics Covered:
- Getting Started
- Array
- Linked List
- Greedy Algorithm
- Recursion
- Binary Search
- Stack and Queue
- String
- Binary Tree
- Binary Search Tree
- Dynamic Programming
- Graph Algorithm
This DSA cheat sheet covers approximately 190 most asked questions from top company interviews, providing you with a comprehensive resource to prepare for technical interviews. Use the provided LeetCode links to practice each question and improve your problem-solving skills.
Happy coding, and best of luck in your interviews!